Gatunki rywalizacyjne z perspektywy krytyki retorycznej

The aim of the article is to make a critical analysis of a selected group of genres, which are referred to herein as competitive genres. Among them are the competi tive debate, poetry slam and Three Minute Thesis (competition for PhD students). Criticism takes place in the area of established methodological proposal, which assumes the existence of four dimensions of the genre: communication and tele ological, space-time, socio-anthropological and compositional-stylistic. At each stage of the analysis, a questionnaire for detailed questions related to problems in this area was carried out. The effect of the analysis is to develop a definition of competitive genres
Budzyńska-Daca Agnieszka, Gatunki rywalizacyjne z perspektywy krytyki retorycznej, w: Retoryka i wartości, red. A. Budzyńska-Daca, E. Modrzejewska, Wydawnictwo UW, Warszawa 2019
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